On-Going Partnership Consulting
Our most common engagement is with churches that prefer that we journey along with them as they implement our recommendations. Typically this is a multi year partnership where the relationship with the pastor and staff deepens over time. Our consultants become a valued part of your team helping the pastor his staff and the church focus on the critical path toward a bright future. In-Rhythm offers turnkey bookkeeping/bill pay services exclusively to our on-going partners. Our bookkeeping services are provided by a team who truly understands the uniqueness’s of church accounting. Providing bookkeeping services to our church clients increases the insight and effectiveness of our consulting.
Project Based Consulting
Sometimes in rhythm is asked to study and make recommendations on specific areas of the church. These include:
Staff compensation and benefit studies
Ministry and budget planning process
By law, policies and procedures review and changes.
Staffing and evaluation process studies
Building project management
Generosity initiatives
Church Mergers (including the administration of legal requirements)
Branding & Marketing
Space Use Analysis